2014 Edition

Small Small Thing

Small Small Thing

Section: Long Documentary

Country: Liberia | USA

Production Year: 2013

Runtime: 83 Minutes

Director: Jessica Vale

Screenwriter: Jessica Vale

Cinematographer: Nika Offenbac

Editor: Jason Kessler

Music Composer: Jean-Luc Sinclair

Print Source: jessica@smallsmallthing.com

Synopsis: In December 2012, twelve years old Olivia Zinnah died of septic shock from a bowel obstruction. Her death was a result of complications from surgeries intended to repair the extensive injuries she sustained when she was raped at the age of seven. Few years before, at JFK Hospital in Monrovia, Capital of Liberia, Olivia Zinnah was nine, severely malnourished and handicapped. Believing her injuries to be the result of witchcraft, Olivia’s mother had been hiding her in their village for years…